Monday, July 9, 2012

2 in 25

I've been MIA since I was still recovering emotionally and physically from surgery. I am not exagerating when I say brain surgery was really traumatic for me. I'm still not over it and it has been 3 months. I have increasing headaches and severe neck pain. I convinced myself I had another CM growing in my cervical spine area so I asked for another MRI (I should probably lay off the radiation for the rest of the year). Of course my results came back with a curve ball I was so not prepared for hit me in the heart. Neck pain is easy I have a little disk situation and a cyst in between but brain situation not so easy... I have been diagnosed with yet another tumor but this time it's 2mm compared to the 2cm the last one was when they took it out. This one seems to be deeper which scares me but I'm 3 days post finding out and I feel at ease. This was a very tough situation to get diagnosed at my age but to find out I have 2 in one year has been pretty crappy. I read a blog the other day of someone who is in pain everyday and I had to stop and reflect because although I have headaches everyday it has been managable with medicine and rest. Yes  I have something growin in my head but instead of complaining I am going to be thankful each morning that I don't have seizures and I do not have the pain some illness can cause. Makes me even more thankful each day because 1 day I might not be so lucky to be free of the things that my mother and sister struggle with. So today I ask you to be thankful :) "Complaining is OK but try not to"

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