What does the word friend mean to you? What does the word acquaintance mean? I had to stop and ask myself yesterday what these two terms meant seeing how people around me use these two terms so loosely. In the Webster Dictionary Friend is defined as: one attached to another by affection or esteem or an acquaintance. However Acquaintance is defined as: a person whom one knows but who is not a particularly close friend. Now wonder there is so much confusion…
In my last blog I mentioned that my Nina used to say, “You can count your friends on one hand”. I grew up with the understanding that a friend is someone you can turn to, be honest with and both of you help each other achieve your goals. In order to be a friend you both have to bring values into the friendship just like you do in order to have a relationship. Acquaintances are people I work with and Facebook “friends”. I let go of Facebook for lent and it really has shown me who “who I am particularly close friends with”.
On my birthday each friend of mine brought something special to the table (even as little as a text). I don’t have to keep in contact with my true friends constantly, we touch base between our busy lives but know we can talk about anything and can always lean on each other.
When I found out I had a CM I was not afraid to tell any of my friends. I did not have to worry about how they would feel about my diagnosis because I know right than it was about me and when I was ready they knew I would address their feelings. Yes my boyfriend is labeled my boyfriend but the day I knew he was my best friend is when I did not hesitate to call him seconds of finding out and just balled on the phone until I reached his arms. Not once has he been selfish about my diagnosis. He let me mourn and would not leave my side but when it was time to get back on my feet he stood beside me. My friends have come to doctors appointments with me and made sure emotionally I was okay. I have no doubt that my friends will be there in 8 weeks when I’m scared to death and on my road to recovery!
That is what I call a friend and I wish people would not use the term friend so lightly. Would you call just anyone your family?
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