I'm pretty urked at this very moment so please excuse the complaining....
I often hear, "trust your gut" and I failed to do that so here I am mad at the news. My new (well not so new) tumor is like a cm from the one they just removed. Given it's tiny but I was all set up to have an additional stronger MRI before surgery just to make sure nothing else was lurking....When the surgeons office called me and reasured me it was not necessary they would have been able to see any others on my previous test and they hadn't. I trusted there word over mine and I get to pay for it now. I think for now on if I feel like I need a test even if it's just to make myself comfortable I am SOOO going to just do it. I also was told about gamma knife in the event that this tumor grows and/or bleeds. I think I will start researching that now.
Since these tumors are so close I should not experience any new symptoms I hadn't with the last one and this area of my brain has a high threshold for seizures so lucky me I should be okay. I definitely will not torture myself with the wait game so here is to letting go and living life as if there is nothing lurking :)
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