Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 2

I don't want to say anything too soon about the outcome of my shots since I've only had it done on one side and it has only been 2 days. However, although I have been very tired the last week I have not had a migraine since the wee hours of Saturday morning. My head was a little achy when I stayed in bed too long this morning but otherwise good report so far. The shots on my left side are done Wednesday so I will be back to report if I get that horrid migraine after the shot and my progress from than on. I'm relieved that I have no numbing or weird feeling from getting my pain receptors burned thus far and have seen some head pain diminish dramatically. Adios until lata gata

Friday, November 9, 2012

Doctors Oh My

However this brings me to my next agenda of hammering a very important thought in your brain. DO NOT TAKE A DOCTORS WORD AS GOLD just because they have MD at the end of their name because EVERYONE makes mistake (yes even you). A have been able to catch a few mistakes since my diagnosis 10 months ago. Today mistake I would have never caught if it weren’t for taking Anatomy and Physiology and just memorizing every damn bone in the human body.  What procedure the pain specialist and I had discussed was not everything she had ordered and when I made the appointments I put my trust in the appointment scheduler that had my paperwork in front of her to make the correct appointment. I had a hunch that she did not do it correctly and called 3 more times to make sure it was changed and  I of course got the “yes ma’am I changed it” answer. When I arrived for my appointment and the nurse repeated to me what I was having done I immediately new RFA (Radiofrequency ablation) on my head had nothing to do with a medial branch block.  You can only imagine how mad this made me knowing someone who doesn’t know medical terms could have just had a procedure that was unnecessary money and pain done to him or her. They were quick to make the changes and I well THEY are lucky the insurance gave them an emergency okay to proceed so I would not have to come back yet again. 

A couple of tips I have is always repeat to your diagnosing doctor what you understand as your diagnosis. Always get a diagnostic paper from your doctor stating your diagnosis with their signature or heading somewhere on the page. Do your research, Mr. Google is a wonderful man in fact I'm sure your significant other will not mind you having an affair with him! The more you understand your diagnosis the more confident you can feel about how to approach and it approach the doctors. Always have a list of you prescriptions with you and I mean anytime, you never know when you will need them.

Radiofrequency Ablation

I promised to post on my journey with getting right and left supraorbital preauricular occipital Radiofrequency ablation. It was very much pain free unlike the test I received a couple weeks ago for this procedure. I was IV sedated this time when I was informed this procedure would be a bit more painful than the last. I was awake through the whole thing and felt poking but no actual pain. It was over in a flash and my boyfriend brought me home feeling very tired. I went to sleep for 3 hours and when I woke up I was still feeling pretty well. If you know me I have a tendency to overdue it sometimes when I’m feeling good. But since I have been feeling awful the last couple days I decided to do NOTHING at all (which was way nice with the way school has been kicking my butt). Around 8 hours post-procedure I started feeling like I had gotten beat up just like when I got the test shot done. I expect this especially since they are only able to do 1 side of the head at a time (I started with my right since that was where my craniotomy was done). I have take a handful of medicine and still no relief which reminded me I promised to update you all… I just read it could like a couple days for this soreness to subside but I remain optimistic.