Friday, November 9, 2012

Radiofrequency Ablation

I promised to post on my journey with getting right and left supraorbital preauricular occipital Radiofrequency ablation. It was very much pain free unlike the test I received a couple weeks ago for this procedure. I was IV sedated this time when I was informed this procedure would be a bit more painful than the last. I was awake through the whole thing and felt poking but no actual pain. It was over in a flash and my boyfriend brought me home feeling very tired. I went to sleep for 3 hours and when I woke up I was still feeling pretty well. If you know me I have a tendency to overdue it sometimes when I’m feeling good. But since I have been feeling awful the last couple days I decided to do NOTHING at all (which was way nice with the way school has been kicking my butt). Around 8 hours post-procedure I started feeling like I had gotten beat up just like when I got the test shot done. I expect this especially since they are only able to do 1 side of the head at a time (I started with my right since that was where my craniotomy was done). I have take a handful of medicine and still no relief which reminded me I promised to update you all… I just read it could like a couple days for this soreness to subside but I remain optimistic.

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