Friday, April 6, 2012

Home after 1 day

28 hours after surgery and here I lie at home. I woke up at 3am with more pain and finally they switched meds and I told the doctor it was time to go home. By 5am we were hitting every expectation necessary to get me out. Foli out, walking- check, meds from I've to pill check, MRI check! So here I lie on pain meds in this char thankful to be out and home. Glue on my wound and bruised eye but I can handle all that. The tumor is out and I pray I never have another one. Everyone e has been so great to me including every single staff member at the hospital. I'm thankful for my family and my friends. Mike has been wonderful and everything I could ask of him.
I have no headache just this throbbing ear, jaw, and where stitches are. I can work through all of this with baby steps and support.

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