I started an online college course the week that I found out I had Cavernous Malformations. Four days later my go-to class started. I got myself to class and I heard half of what my instructers said and the rest was waiting for symptoms and feeling the symptoms I had already felt x10. When I would get home from work or school I would crawl in fetul position and feel sorry for myself. This was not me! I'm the sort of person if I do not stay busy my mind gets me into trouble, so lying there only made me feel worse. I got to the point in only 2 weeks where I could not stand myself and the blob that I felt like I had become. I haven't felt like a blob in over 2 years when I started living my life for myself.
I decided last week enough was enough and I started to play catch up with studying and I needed to live life the way I said I would one day at a time and like I might not get tomorrow. Guess what... all my symptoms went away. Well, besides my headaches. I found that having a normal routine and keeping myself on a schedule without over stressing has even helped keep my headaches at bay.
I think we are our own worst enemies. If we believe something we can trick our minds into feeling a certain way. If you think positive and truly believe positive you will feel positive.
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