Saturday, February 4, 2012


2012 was supposed to be my year for success and maturity. In January 2012 I found out about my tumor and I started two demanding courses in college. In February 2012 the reality of my nana's illness set in.
When someone else is feeling sad or feeling sad for me is when I feel my strongest. I get to look at that person and remind them I am a strong person and even though life is not the way I wished it to be, I am a surviver. When I am alone I feel my weakest. If I have a headache it's a reminder I have an illness. I could have a seizure at any moment and what I am doing at that moment could change my life. I'm scared to take a bath when I'm home alone or to drive long distances. But when someone else knows my fears I fight them because I am a surviver.
I can't say that tomorrow I will feel the way I do today but I can say that for tonight I'm safe. My nana is fighting and I will continue to fight too because her number one concern for me was to never give up or give in.
Trying to be a student, work full time, a girlfriend and most importantly be by my Nana's side is not ideal but I love each one of those things and I know God has a plan for me.

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