Thursday, February 23, 2012

Magic Pill

I am overwhelmed with the feeling I CAN'T WIN. I'm constantly exhausted, constantly have a headache, and I can't concentrate and not to mention where my memory went (if you find it let me know).
I thought I would be able to cut my hours at work but I don't want to rock the boat. I have 11 weeks of this semester left but everyday I cry and ask myself why I don't quit and just go have surgery. I'm confused! Can't there be a magic pill that will take away everything I'm feeling and give me concentration for 11 more weeks. PS this magic pill can't have side effects so...guess I'm out of luck. I wish someone would come to me and tell me what the right thing to do is. Except that will be a problem since I don't listen. One side says don't give up its only 11 weeks and the other says 11 weeks is a long time to keep feeling like this and wouldn't it be nice to live life again without feeling this physical and emotional rollercoaster. So God if your not going to send that magic pill will you make my asnwer a little clearer or give me peace so that I can get through 11 more weeks. Thank you!

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