Friday, January 13, 2012

What To Say?

I do not have much to say today since Dr. Bad News was Dr. I Have No Clue! Not only could she not answer any of my questions about what I can do as precaution to help my tumor not to bleed but what the game plan is. I found out that I have a tumor in my right frontal lobe but not what that can affect. She clasified it as small but according to my research .8 to 1cm is small and mine is 1.7cm.
I have an appointment with Dr. Know It All in a week. Dr. Spetzler (Dr. Know it All as I call him) is someone I know because he has performed surgeries on my sister and mom and he is a tell it like it is kind of Doc.
For now I feel like I got off the roller coaster since I found out my tumor started growing in 2005. They could not diagnose it at that point since it was only slightly enlarged vein. If it took 7 years to get to this point I would say I'm doing pretty darn good. I am officially sick of hearing people say their life sucks and complaining because not even I can say my life sucks. So I hit a bump in the road...but the people holding my hand through this rock and I know I will never get stuck. Don't forget to Pray for me :)

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