Sunday, September 30, 2012

Natural Skin Magic

Here goes another positive post :)
I read that some stars use grape seed oil ex. Emma Stone instead of lotion due to allergies and sensitive skin. I have bump red cheeks and my skin is far from flawless so I figured what the heck I have nothing to lose. I have been adding a dab on my whole face eyes and eyelashes at night and then I rub my regular olay lotion over it to absorb. this stuff is AMAZING!
Add a couple drops to sugar and you have sugar scrub and body scrub. Put a bit in a plastic bag and warm the bag in hot water and you have a hot oil mask for your hair.
Best part is it's natural and doesn't cost a fortune and it works better than all the products that have additives. Go on try it!
I use this but any grape seed oil you find at the grocery store works

Friday, September 28, 2012


I'm not sure how I get out of bed sometimes with these awful headaches and throwing up in the middle of the night but I do! Maybe its my awesome support system of knowing I get to see one of my best friends at work and knowing I have bills to pay and also knowing my strength and independence holds my relationship together :)
Have I been feeling like this since brain surgery and I'm just now feeling it since I don't take a pain pill every time I feel sick I actually suffer through it and try other non narcotic options or is it because something is going on in my body and is letting me know. I have no real answers since I would have to get tests in order to actually find out but more tests means more radiation and I just don't feel that another MRI in 2012 is necessary unless I start exhibiting MAJOR bleeding signs. So I'll take my nausea and my headaches and take my vitamins and try and keep eating healthy and rest when possible. Maybe I'll never feel like I did before surgery but doc reminded me I'm not even 5 months post-op and I may still just be tired and not letting my body relax reeks havoc to my health. Anyway I hope to wake up each morning and forget the way I felt yesterday and just live each moment I feel healthy happy.
Half marathon I will complete you darnet!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Little vs. Big

If it's one thing I have learned through my journey this year it's that all the little things are just that, little! I used to be a person who would freak out and become very dramatic over every little thing that would go wrong in my life. I suppose now I feel like I have an excuse sometimes for being so clumsy but after being diagnosed I know things such a pimples or denting my own car for not paying attention are all just cosmetic. Money can fix these things and stressing over where and when I will fix them will only cause the devil to be invited into my little world. The BIG things in life are family and relationships, getting up in the morning with a positive attitude and striving to be and want the best even when you don’t feel like it. Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t but if you don’t strive to be someone better you will never get 110% out of life. So don’t sweat the small stuff J

Friday, September 14, 2012

MY Best Friend

When your sick for a long amount of time everything starts to take a toll. Your personality, your relationships, your emotions and of course your physical health. I often read about men who cheat on their wife when their wife has been ridled by cancer or long term illness. What runs through my mind is do they do it because the wife has become insecure about themselves, is it because they just want to not deal with the reality of the pain their signifacant other indures that they can't fix, or is it because they were weak to begin with and they don't deserve to be with such a strong woman in the first place???
 I know growing up I watched a lot of pain from long term illness effect my home front but I never once heard my father say "I can't do this anymore" or watch him walk away easy because he was sick of seeing my mother and sister suffer. This reminds me that there are still good men out there who will stick by their best friend through everything, the great and the aweful. I don't look at my illness as me being miserable all the time however I have bought of head pain I deal with that can last 2 weeks of a month. I get angry and upset with not feeling 110% I don't always want to socialize but I never once have heard my best friend and love of my life say "he couldn't deal with me being sick" or say he needed to go out to get away from my suffering. He has stood by my side and made our friendship even stronger when I found out I was sick. He never lets me be depressed or give in to a headache and this reminds me there are still great men out there or I supposed I should say great partners.

Thank you MY best friend!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


It's amazing how good I've felt lately especially after starting school again and putting in all this study time. I found out today all it takes is a little extra stress to bring me to square 1 again. After surgery I found myself lying in the dark not wanting the distraction of the tv or company. After today's events I found that true again . I know to get to where I want to be I have to keep striving and the only way to do that is by staying positive. I know internally I have pushed myself to try my hardest and this is what reminds me my independence and success is not based on my degree or how much money I make but how far I can reach based on my own happiness. Never stop striving for something better sky is the limit #thankGod

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Past to present (I forgot to post this last month)

Lying here in a tent enjoying the quite chirps of the bugs. When life throws curve balls I feel like it gave me a different outlook on life. Maybe it's something as small as the sky getting a little more blue or actually seeing the stars a little brighter but for me it's seeing the people around me shine more. I appreciate these people around me who don't treat me any different and have respect for themselves and everyone around them. I not only sit with my ears open but I feel what they say.
I often used to miss my childhood memories of hanging around a camp fire after a long day of the Sand dunes but I Finally feel like I don't have to look in the past I can live right now in the present. It is me who can only make my missed memories something of the present. If I want to check off my bucket list I can't depend on someone to have the same list and come with me I need to reach out and make them happen for myself. So as I close my eyes a little tighter tonight I'll be thankful and look forward to another check mark to reach my bucket list.
Dream big or go home...