Sunday, September 30, 2012

Natural Skin Magic

Here goes another positive post :)
I read that some stars use grape seed oil ex. Emma Stone instead of lotion due to allergies and sensitive skin. I have bump red cheeks and my skin is far from flawless so I figured what the heck I have nothing to lose. I have been adding a dab on my whole face eyes and eyelashes at night and then I rub my regular olay lotion over it to absorb. this stuff is AMAZING!
Add a couple drops to sugar and you have sugar scrub and body scrub. Put a bit in a plastic bag and warm the bag in hot water and you have a hot oil mask for your hair.
Best part is it's natural and doesn't cost a fortune and it works better than all the products that have additives. Go on try it!
I use this but any grape seed oil you find at the grocery store works

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